1,822 research outputs found

    La participación de los indígenas amazónicos en los procesos electorales en el Perú. El caso de las elecciones presidenciales de 2011, 2016 y 2021

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    Through the analysis of the participation of the Amazonian indigenous peoples in the presidential elections of 2011, 2016, and 2021, this article illustrates how, two hundred years after Peru´s political independence, they are still excluded from full-fledged citizenship. In the first part, it addresses the main obstacles to defining and measuring the indigenous vote, as well as the reasons that hinder adequate indigenous electoral participation. It then discusses the relationship between the Amazonian peoples and the national political parties, the experience of MIAP, and the formal restrains for the creation of an indigenous party. Finally, it analyzes the participation and electoral results in 22 districts located in the Peruvian Amazon region with a majority of the indigenous population. The data used comes from the Peruvian electoral institutions: the National Elections Jury (JNE), the National Office of Electoral Processes (ONPE), the official web portal Infogob of the JNE, and the National Censuses of 2007 and 2017. As part of an ongoing long-term research project, it includes data related to previous presidential elections as well as data from local and regional electoral processes. Moreover, it includes data from interviews with indigenous leaders and ethnographic observations.A través del análisis de la participación de los pueblos indígenas amazónicos en las elecciones presidenciales de 2011, 2016 y 2021, este artículo ilustra cómo, doscientos años después de la independencia política del Perú, continúan siendo excluidos de una ciudadanía plena. En la primera parte del texto se presentan los principales obstáculos para definir y medir el voto indígena, así como las razones que dificultan una adecuada participación electoral indígena. Luego se discute la relación entre los pueblos amazónicos y los partidos políticos nacionales, la experiencia del MIAP y las restricciones formales para la creación de un partido indígena. Finalmente, se analizan los resultados de la participación y votación en 22 distritos ubicados en la región amazónica cuya población es mayoritariamente indígena. Los datos utilizados provienen de las instituciones electorales oficiales peruanas: el Jurado Nacional de Elecciones (JNE), la Oficina Nacional de Procesos Electorales (ONPE), el portal web oficial Infogob del JNE, y los Censos Nacionales de 2007 y 2017. En la medida en que forma parte de un proyecto de investigación a largo plazo que sigue en curso, incluye datos relacionados a elecciones presidenciales anteriores y también a procesos electorales locales y regionales, así como datos provenientes de entrevistas con líderes indígenas y observaciones etnográficas

    Tratamiento de la enuresis. Revisión bibliográfica

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    La enuresis nocturna es una micción involuntaria, intermitente, durante la noche que afecta a un 15% de los niños de 5 años y que va disminuyendo su prevalencia a medida que avanza la edad. El incremento en la secreción de orina puede deberse a varios mecanismos: entre otros, variaciones en la presión arterial o a una disminución en la producción de la angiotensina II. El objetivo del presente trabajo es realizar una revisión sobre el tratamiento de la enuresis nocturna monosintomática y nomonosintomática, haciendo especial hincapié, en los que se refieren al ámbito fisioterápico. Para ello, se realizó una búsqueda en la base de datos de Medline, PEDro y biblioteca Cochrane plus, además de la búsqueda manual en distintos libros de texto, atlas de ciencias de la salud y Google académico. Los resultados muestran que el tratamiento global de la enuresis monosintomática se basa fundamentalmente en 3 pilares: farmacológico (desmopresina y anticolinérgicos), conductuales (sistemas de alarma) y psicológico, bien aplicando métodos uroterápicos como control de bebidas gaseosas y control de la postura miccional o bien, sistemas de feedback positivo. Así mismo, los resultados de este trabajo muestran que el tratamiento de la enuresis no monosintomática es multidisciplinar: - Enuresis nocturna asociada a patología respiratorias a través de uroterapia y combinada a ejercicios respiratorios y/o tratamiento quirúrgico (adenoamigdalectomía). - Enuresis asociada a disfunción vesical no neurogénica mediante la aplicación de tratamiento uroterápico, farmacológico, ejercicios del suelo pelvico y/o estimulación eléctrica transcutánea (TENS). - Enuresis monosintomática y nomonosintomática, asociada a disfunción vesical de origen neurogénico, mediante la aplicación de tratamiento uroterápico, farmacológico y magnoterápico. Conclusión: A la vista de los números tratamientos de enuresis nocturna descritos en este trabajo y los diferentes resultados, a veces, contradictorios, indican que es necesario ampliar el número de ensayos y/o estudios clínicos para determinar que tratamientos y protocolos serían los más óptimosGrado en Fisioterapi

    Deep tissue massage therapy and/or strengthening and stretching exercises for disabling subacute or chronic neck pain. A randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Neck pain is a common condition responsible for a significant amount of disability worldwide. Various treatment modalities are used to manage neck pain, but evidence supporting their use is scarce, conflicting or of low quality. Objectives: The aim of this thesis is to present the results of the Stockholm Neck (STONE) trial, a fourarm randomized controlled trial of 619 participants with disabling subacute or chronic neck pain who were followed up to one year. The objectives of the STONE trial were to determine the effectiveness, safety profile and cost-effectiveness of deep tissue massage, strengthening and stretching exercises and a combined therapy including both components, in comparison to advice to stay active. Moreover, additional information was collected with the objective of describing the course of the condition over time. Methods: In Study I, different trajectories of the course of neck pain as well as baseline variables associated with unfavorable trajectories were identified. Study II was an analysis aiming to determine the effect of deep tissue massage, strengthening and stretching exercises and a combined therapy including both components, using advice to stay active as a reference group. Two primary outcomes: pain intensity and pain-related disability, and two secondary outcomes: self-perceived recovery and sickness absence, were measured at 7, 12, 26 and 52 weeks. In Study III, participants were asked to report and describe adverse events debuting after the sessions of therapy. That information was contrasted against the proportion of participants in each group achieving perceived recovery at seven weeks, in order to calculate measures of harm in relation to benefits. In Study IV, costs resulting from neck pain were estimated, including those directly and indirectly related to the interventions given in the STONE trial. The costs associated with gains in health-related quality of life due to the given interventions were calculated. Results: In Study I, six different trajectories were identified, and a quarter of participants had unfavorable courses of neck pain characterized by high pain intensity, either constant or fluctuating. High pain intensity at baseline, being a woman and having depressive symptoms at baseline were among the factors associated with such unfavorable courses. In Study II, compared to advice, massage alone or in combination with exercise resulted in less minimal clinically important improvement (MCII) in pain intensity in the short term, and exercise alone resulted in less MCII in pain intensity in the mid-term. Massage and/or exercise resulted in similar MCII in pain intensity compared to advice in the long term. Moreover, no differences were observed between treatment arms for MCII in pain-related disability or sickness absence after one year. On the other hand, compared to advice, all the other therapies resulted in better self-perceived recovery. In Study III, it was found that around a third of participants reported adverse events that were classified as highly bothersome. The most common adverse events were tiredness, muscle soreness, increased pain and stiffness. None of the adverse events were serious. No clear differences between treatment arms were observed in terms of harms in relation to benefits. In Study IV, massage alone or combined with exercise were found to be more costly and resulting in less gains of quality of life than advice. Exercise, on the other hand, was found to be cost-effective compared to advice to stay active. Discussion and conclusions: Non-specific neck pain is a subjective, individual and complex experience. Therefore, evaluations of interventions should consider the interplay of various biological and psychosocial factors. Compared to advice, massage and exercise therapy are associated with modest effects in terms of minimal clinically important improvement in pain intensity and no effects in minimal clinically important improvement in pain-related disability. However, improvements in other dimensions of pain – that were probably captured by the outcome “perceived recovery” – result from the mentioned interventions. Furthermore, the therapies are safe, and exercise seems to be cost-effective compared to advice. The STONE trial used a rigorous procedure to ensure a proper randomization and allocation concealment. Despite blinding participants not being possible, well-defined criteria to assess the outcomes were followed. In addition, significant efforts were made to provide the therapies according to pre-established protocols and to achieve high response rates. Appropriate methods for the analysis of the data were followed. All these elements combined ensure the internal validity of the trial. The STONE trial is a predominantly pragmatic trial, while aspects such as intensive measurement and the use of a single center for the provision of the therapies correspond more to an explanatory trial, a good balance between rigorousness and pragmatism was achieved. This balance allows the results from this trial to be generalized to populations with subacute and persistent non-specific neck pain

    Phylogeny of marigolds (Tagetes L., Tageteae) based on ITS sequences

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    The genus Tagetes includes about 50 species, all native to the New World. Some species are widely cultivated, notably T. erecta, and many species are used as medicines, spices, and in rituals. These uses are related to the essential oils that the plants store in secretory cavities in their foliage. Despite several taxonomic contributions, there are still species complexes in need of much work. Moreover, comprehensive phylogenetic studies of Tagetes using molecular data have not been conducted yet. Here we present results of phylogenetic analysis of ITS sequences from almost 50% of the species of Tagetes. The genus is resolved as monophyletic and Hydropectis as sister to Tagetes. A wild form of T. erecta is resolved as sister to T. patula, a cultivated species with smaller heads that is often treated as a synonym of the former. Tagetes lunulata, often considered closely related to T. erecta, is resolved in a different clade. Some other clades are also strongly supported, such as Lucida clade, composed of mostly subaquatic and riparian species with an anise-like scent. It is necessary to sample species missing from these analyses to obtain a better understanding of the phylogeny of Tagetes, which will also allow us to postulate more robust evolutionary hypotheses, such as divergence times and character evolution, as well as to guide the search for medicines or other desirable traits from the closest wild relatives of the cultivated species.Fil: Hinojosa Espinosa, Oscar. University of California at Davis; Estados UnidosFil: Schiavinato, Dario Javier. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía; Argentin

    Sobre la antropología amazónica (amazonista) en el Perú: comentarios al texto de Jean-Pierre Chaumeil

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    Commentary on the Opening Lecture, “A Window into Twenty Years of Amazonianist Anthropology in Peru (1997–2017)” proffered by Jean-Pierre Chaumeil at the XI Salsa conference and featured in the previous volume of Tipití (15:105–117)

    El pueblo shipibo-konibo de la Amazonía peruana y la negociación política y cultural con la sociedad mestiza: el caso de los concursos de belleza indígena en la ciudad de Pucallpa

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    The Shipibo-Konibo people in the Peruvian Amazon region have developed different ways to express their ethnic identity and their political demands while living in large cities like Pucallpa. Some of these forms are described here. More specifically, the article discusses the official indigenous beauty pageant as a site used for cultural and political negotiation between the Shipibo-Konibo people and the mestizo regional society. The comparison with the Ashaninka beauty pageant further enhances the argument about the creative ways in which the Shipibo people negotiate their place within the national society

    Los asháninkas y la violencia de las correrías durante y después de la época del caucho

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    A lo largo de los siglos, el pueblo asháninka ha enfrentado diversos episodios de violencia, algunos de los cuales han afectado de manera especial la historia y la identidad de este pueblo. Uno de estos momentos fue el de la colonización de la región de la Selva Central peruana, a fines del siglo XIX, marcada por la extracción del caucho y el cultivo de café en grandes haciendas. Esta época se caracterizó, además, por ser particularmente violenta, sobre todo debido a las continuas correrías que aterrorizaban y diezmaban a las comunidades indígenas. Este episodio pone también en cuestión el rol cumplido por los propios asháninkas a los que simultáneamente viajeros e intelectuales de la época calificaban de feroces salvajes o de amables y dóciles. Finalmente, las correrías y la crueldad de esta época se siguen recordando hoy en día, relacionándose con la violencia de Sendero Luminoso y con las amenazas crueles que los asháninkas siguen enfrentando hoy.Au cours des siècles, les Ashaninka ont fait face à divers épisodes de violence. Certains d’entre eux ont eu des incidences, tout spécialement sur leur histoire et leur identité. Un de ces épisodes de violence se situe à la fin du 19ème siècle au moment de la colonisation de la partie centrale de la forêt amazonienne au Pérou, de l’extraction du caoutchouc et des grandes haciendas de café. Au cours de ces années, les Ashaninka ont été victimes de la cruauté des raids ou correrías qui ont terrorisé et décimé leurs communautés. Cet épisode remet en question le rôle joué par les Ashaninka eux-mêmes qui étaient considérés par les voyageurs et les intellectuels de l’époque à la fois comme de féroces sauvages ou comme des personnes aimables et dociles. Finalement, les Ashaninka se souviennent encore aujourd’hui des correrías et de la cruauté de cette époque, associée à la violence du Sentier Lumineux et aux menaces auxquelles ils doivent toujours faire face.Throughout the years, the Ashaninka people have dealt with different episodes of violence, some of which have shaped the way in which they understand their own history and identity. One of these episodes of violence took place at the end of the 19th Century, and was brought about by the process of colonization of the Peruvian Selva Central by the participants in the rubber boom and the large coffee haciendas. These years were particularly violent, and Ashaninka communities were terrorized and decimated by constant raids (correrías). This episode problematizes the role played by the Ashaninka themselves, who at the time were either seen as fierce savages or as gentle and docile by travelers and intellectuals. The heritage of these years of raids and violence are still remembered today, and they are also linked, by the Ashaninka, with the violence suffered from Shining Path and from the menaces encountered today from projects that endanger their lands and their lives

    Marketing en el siglo XXI ¿Herramienta o moda?

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    El marketing tradicional de productos y servicios se tiene que redefinir, e implementar nuevas estrategias y nuevas herramientas que se conecten efectivamente con el consumidor de hoy, este cada vez tiene más poder sobre las marcas. Es por eso que se hace interesante recopilar todas las bases y conceptos teóricos partiendo de su historia y la evolución del mismo, en la cual se hace énfasis en lo primordial y se busca entregar fundamentos para el desarrollo de un plan de marketing adecuado con las tendencias y estilos de negocios, cuyo objetivo se enfoca en la satisfacción de las necesidades del cliente. Al encontrarnos con un mundo de desarrollo constante, nos vamos involucrando en una explosión de medios en el campo digital, desde los medios tradicionales como la televisión, prensa, radio, revistas, que migran sus marcas y contenidos a la red, medios 100% digitales. Las plataformas digitales han ocasionado cambios sustanciales en el comportamiento humano, nadie en este mundo puede dejar de tener en cuenta la web, los celulares, el iPod, y las redes sociales